Sunday, September 28, 2008

entry number 4

i found this sorta grocery store, its got images of fish people everywhere. i wanna say fish people as in mermaids, lovely and sexy. ? but,,, they are human shaped fish with fish heads.

maybe this store was underwater at some point as i haven't been able to catch a true glimpse of them, other than the pictures. i wanna say they are not even real but... i did see a rabbit the other day.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

entry number 3

i've seen a lot of the sea lately

actually,, a lot of the sky too.

i have a feeling like there's a lack of,,  land ?  everywhere. ?

however i keep finding edges, and i keep entering into buildings and gardens that seem to connect to nowhere. 

i do wonder what this place is.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

entry number 2

i saw a beach today, 

i'd say it was, geometric maybe. i kinda wish my visions weren't so blurry.

there was the sea, it was dawn,, or twilight. i am unsure.

it was warm, like a hug, it was cozy, the colors enveloped my vision in several sets of blues, pinks, and oranges. the water was surprisingly quiet.

i got curious and i got close, i wanted to get in the water however

i lifted the edge of the water to find a soft bed

i used the sea like a blanket and the sand beneath as a pillow.

that might have been some of the nicest sleep i've had.

it was only, rather lonely.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

entry number 1

i don't know whats going on i've been feeling,, weird lately, my dreams are wild, i just wish i could go back there freely...